
American mentality

May 12, 2022

American pride is the diversity of cultures, which are very numerous in the country, and translate english to german. Respect for different cultures, traditions, equality of opportunity – this is the principle of the American mentality.

It is very important for an American to achieve something in life from scratch. They greatly appreciate and respect those who have achieved in life with their own work, skills, knowledge, and are very cool towards the administrative elite, who have many privileges. Any mechanical labor or routine work is held in high esteem by Americans. Purposefulness in work, career is the end in itself of life, which deserves money, bonuses. But whether it be a president or a simple worker, he must join the general queue. Labor is a concept that serves as a measure of the dignity of a person.

Americans have a very strong individualism. They, for example, will work in a team or group only to achieve their own goals. And if the actions of the team cease to serve the goals of the individual, then they will simply leave this group. This expresses an excessive desire to sue each other and the state.

The concept of morality for Americans is very high, they consider it as an absolute truth. They approach all issues from a moral point of view, even political views. At the same time, law and morality are quite close to each other concepts for Americans.

Residents of the United States love to control any event, action. They do not lead a passive lifestyle, but try to delve into any ongoing process. This also applies to time. Time is a day, and therefore it is fashionable to manage it and have a profit. For example, law firms ask for their services in a price list in minutes, cellular companies – in seconds. And television every day says that in a minute it can embrace and show the whole world.

Americans, one might say, are nomadic people, they do not like to sit in one place. It is estimated that on average a US resident changes his place of residence 4-5 times a year. This is due to the fact that the average American does not have his own housing, but rents or rents it, and therefore he has no attachment to the house. But a more profitable job can always turn up, for example, in another state. At the same time, without problems, a person can terminate the lease and move to another state, having previously found a rented apartment. It is possible that the host company can find and pay for housing for him.

Portrait of dedicated business team standing with flag in the background

Family and Children
The age of a man entering into marriage is approximately 28 years old, for a woman – 26. These figures have increased slightly, Americans have begun to marry later. And half of marriages end in divorce. A third of American children are born out of wedlock. In this regard, there are many “mixed” families, where the children of the spouses are not common.

Domestic work in the family is distributed evenly between spouses, as well as equality in work. Although recently there has been a trend where one of the spouses goes into a career, while the other devotes most of his time to everyday life and raising children. And this also applies to dads-housewives.

Making time for children, being interested in their lives, participating in children’s activities and holidays is the responsibility of parents in American families. Grandmothers practically do not participate in the upbringing of their grandchildren. It is believed that if adults decide to have children, then they are quite independent and can cope with upbringing. Therefore, often mothers with small children gather in clubs and take turns staying with the babies of their friends or neighbors.